Happy Campers
The Summer is flying by.
We all packed our cars once again and headed to the nearest watering hole.
Tents were thrown up, coolers were iced down and laughs were ready to be made.
The times have changed over the years. My friends have said their "I do's" and their families are growing. This was the first camping trip where all the babies were old enough to join in on the fun. We rounded them up in the baby corral and sat around watching their diapers get soaked.
With the kiddos napping near by can tops were popped and the sunscreen was lathered on.
My baby girl was napping as well...
Later on the babes were dropped off at Ma and Pa's and the evening continued...
Saturday was on repeat, but Pandora was on shuffle.
Our non-primitive friends from the world of central air and running water had invited us to a BBQ in town. We managed to bridle the horses, bit and all, load up the buggy and head East.
Little did those city folk know we lacked showers out in the sticks. We all decided to stay arms length away from the other guests and huddle in our own corner like the cool kids and play "Pass the GoPro".
We jumped back in and headed to our home in the woods. Cards were dealt and pjs were thrown on. All the while my other photog friend, Bristow the Bandana Bandit, and I grabbed my tripod and fireworks and started experimenting with long exposures.
{I spy Roxy Rae attached to a red round glow stick}
Dorks, I know.
Thanks again guys for throwin more in the memory bank.